My Story
Hello!!! My name is Felicia Baugh. Welcome to my website!!!! I am the founder of Flourishing With Purpose.
God has given me a passion to teach His word and empower women to live a balanced and purposeful life. Over the years it has been a real challenge for me to truly be free, and flourish/blossom into what God has divinely created and called me to be. I have always allowed obstacles and distractions to hinder me. But now is the time for me to fully begin to flourish in my purpose. I would love to take you on this journey with me.
I am a wife, mom, Vision Coach and Christian Mentor. I equip, empower, and encourage the busy working mom on how to create and maintain work life balance in their life. I also stress self care and well being. Balancing out the many activities everyday can become very challenging and stressful. So we can all strive to grow, be empowered , and flourish together.
Operating in the role of being a woman, wife and mother can be very stressful, busy and challenging!!! I am here for the busy mom to encourage and equip you with tools on how to Create and Maintain Work Life Balance, Ignite you to Grow Spiritually, and Walk in Divine Purpose.
I'm praying that there will be an awakening in you that will cause you to flourish and blossom into all the greatness that God has placed in you. God is concerned about the total woman. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made to uniquely flourish in our own way.
Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Encouraging, equipping and empowering the working mother and wife on how to create and maintain work life balance in their life.
Also to grow in their relationship with God. Flourishing and growing to be all God would have us to be while serving in our blessed and respective roles.