Travel Light (Lay Aside Every Weight)

God is reminding me about the importance of  “Laying  aside every weight and sin that will so easily entangle me” while running this race. I had a dream a while back that was brought to my remembrance today. In the dream as I began to walk I got faster and faster as if I was starting to float in the air. As I was starting to float I was dropping  items that was in my arms and hands and each  time I dropped  an item I could feel my feet get lighter and lighter.

We have a race to run and you can’t run it effectively weighed down. Hebrews 12v1 tells us to lay aside every weight (throw off) everything that hinders us from moving forth in God.  A weight is heaviness and gravity, something that will bring you down, causing you to slow down in the race. They cause you to loose your momentum.  As Christians we got to strive to “Travel Light”. Some things are not wrong in themselves, but it could still  be a  hinderance to us and our growth in God and other  areas of our life.


We are to lay aside every “SIN that so easily entangles us. Sin forms a crippling effect on us. We can all get entangled in certain sins but through the power of God we can be delivered and continue to run in the race.  When you are running in a  marathon you have to go to a sporting goods store and get fitted for the  right shoes  for your feet for optimum performance. The shoes you are wearing will be a very important component,  if you want to run the race well,  and not feel weighed down. 

Be encouraged this year to “Travel Light”. Whatever or whoever has been a hinderance to you, hindering your progress to move forward in God or other areas, throw it off. Lay that particular weight aside so you can run well. This race is not easy. It  takes focus, discipline, training, endurance, faith, perseverance, and determination. While we are running we have to keep our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith Jesus Christ. Just know that when we cross that finish line we will earn our eternal prize (crown). Traveling Light will help you to achieve  balance and walk with purpose in your life.

Flourishing With Purpose
Felicia Baugh