The Power Of Worship
What a honor and privilege it is to worship our savior!!!! We can show Him our love and admiration for just who He is. We are to worship God in spirit and truth. He deserves all of the worship and praise we have to give!!
In Heaven, worship and praise are the norm. It is carried out on a daily basis, minute by minute. What effect does it have on our own lives when it is performed on earth?

- God's ministers. He inhabits his people's praises in Psalms 22:3.
- Clears the air and eliminates distractions from my life.
- Develops a responsive heart in us.
- Refocuses our attention on Jesus.
- Develops an attitude of gratitude in my heart.
The Eastern Wise Men had a fantastic experience. Their eyes were elevated heavenward, they saw His star, and they came to worship Him, After the resurrection, this was the fortunate lot of the eleven disciples. Matthew 28:17 recounts that "when they saw him, they worshipped him." How accurate! When we fix our gaze on heavenly things today, we, too, will see and worship. We shall be moved to worship Christ as we come to see Him as our personal Saviour.
It is such a precious opportunity for us to worship our dear Redeemer. We should acquire a sense of commitment, snd increase dedication to worship. What a magnificent opportunity bestowed to fallen mankind! Let me share just 3 amazing worship scenes that took place.
Individuals in the Bible that testify to the power of worshipping God.
- Acts 16:24–26: Paul and Silas singing in the prison. Paul and Silas, instead of being unhappy, anxious, and stressed about their position, prayed and worshipped God. Their singing attracted the attention of heaven, and God intervened on their behalf. And as a result of their adoration, the atmosphere shifted - the prison doors were opened and the prisoners' chains were released. Heavenly intervention intervened and rescued Paul and Silas from their predicament. That is not all. They were able to reach an understanding with the jailer in charge that midnight. He believed in Jesus, and as a result, he and his household were rescued.
- Jehoshaphat's story . "As they began to sing and praise, the Lord created ambushes against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who were attacking Judah, and they were defeated," Second Chronicles 20:22 states. What an odd fighting strategy - but the Lord ultimately won the battle for them. There is something inherent in worship that permits us to comeface to face with God's power.
- In Luke 7:36-50, the Woman with the Alabaster Box is described. Some of the most sublime acts of worship can originate from the most unlikely of places. This woman was a marginalised individual who had been exploited and abused. However, something in Jesus' words and deeds moved her to bring her most prized property and pour it out in an act of love and worship. She overcame fear, prejudice, and shame in an instant and created one of the most intimate moments of worship in the Bible. As a result, even when man's opinion declares us "guilty," there is One who can be moved by our worship and forgive us of all of our faults!

Keep in mind that worship is how we express our love, adoration, admiration, and awe in the presence of God. Worship transforms the worshipper into the likeness of the One who is worshipped".
Worship is such a beautiful offering of Love to God!
Be Blessed & Balanced
Let’s Flourish Together
Felicia Baugh