Sabbath Rest: The Power of Weekly Renewal

In a world that celebrates hustle and productivity, taking time for rest can feel counterproductive. For high-achieving moms, taking a day off seems almost impossible. But God calls us to honor the Sabbath and rest, trusting Him to handle the things we believe can’t wait. Sabbath isn’t just a suggestion; it’s a commandment designed for our well-being.

Finding time for Sabbath doesn’t mean you have to shut down your entire day. It can be a few hours where you rest in God’s presence. This may look like turning off work emails, enjoying a meal with family, or spending time in quiet reflection. Honoring the Sabbath helps you refuel so you can approach the week with renewed strength.

Reflection: Rest is an act of faith. It’s a moment of surrender where we trust God to sustain us while we step back and allow ourselves to be replenished. When you observe the Sabbath, you’re allowing God to pour into you, giving you the energy and focus needed for the week ahead. Don’t let guilt or the pressure to always be doing something rob you of this precious gift.

Scripture: Exodus 20:8-10 — “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.”

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