My Daily Bread

"Give us this day our daily bread," is a humble request to our Heavenly Father from His petitioning child, but it follows a passage that acknowledges God's sovereignty, eternal purpose, and perfect will - both in the larger universe and in our particular life.

God promises to meet all of our necessities according to His glorious riches, but He relishes in having His blood-bought children approach Him in humble dependence upon Him. He desires to be a part of everything in our lives, so He is there to hear our wants, needs and petitions. God understands just what we require in this world. He recognizes that we require food, clothing, shelter, and protection. God is also aware of the complexity of the twenty-first century, as well as the roles and obligations that we may have in this modern, computerized society. Also all the many roles we play in being a mother and wife.

He understands our everyday needs...  and struggles. The simple prayer to "give us this day our daily bread" is an admission of our absolute reliance on the Lord for all of our unique requirements, no matter what they are. He knows when and how to supply every one of them, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially. He knows just how much bread we need to balance out our daily lives!!! 

The instruction Christ was providing us in the model of prayer was about growing reliant confidence and dependability on God!!!! The prayer requests that we make to the Lord are designed to increase our faith and  deepen our relationship with our  loving Heavenly Father. We are building that trust in the All-Knowing - One. He knows how to guide and direct us through our day. Why not receive wisdom from the one who created the day?

We have a God Who responds to prayer. As God is petitioned, day by day, as the Great Provider of all daily necessities, faith in Him and His promised Word He  will not  let us lack anything!!! Yes, without faith it’s  impossible to please Him, and we must believe that He exists, and that He is the rewarder of all who come to Him and seek Him earnestly.

“Give us today our daily bread,” Jesus instructed us to pray (Matt. 6:11). Bread was the essential mainstay of life in His day, representing all of the people's daily necessities. Jesus was teaching us to pray not only for our physical needs, but also for all of our other needs, such as comfort, healing, courage, knowledge, direction,  and wisdom for Work and Life!! He will guide us in how to balance it all out.

We can reach Him at any time through prayer, and He knows what we need before we even ask (v. 8). What are you having trouble with today? “The Lord is near to everyone who call on him,” (Ps. 145:18).

Let’s take a moment to praise and thank Him for being the ultimate supplier of our Daily Bread that’s fresh every day!!

Have a Blessed & Balanced Day

Felicia Baugh

Minister, Coach, Mentor

Flourishing With Purpose