How to Get More Done This Week
Feeling tired before you get started because you don’t know how you are going to get it all done?
To increase your productivity, remember that you want to get things done that add value to your life in some way in a timely manner. You can spend a lot of time doing things that add no value to your life, or to other people’s lives.
You can plan your week to be more productive and useful than you ever thought. Just be strategic and intentional, then act.
Develop Your Plan – Look at the things you need to do this week, add to it based on your goals and objectives for the week, remembering to list each action that needs to be taken for the final result so that you don’t get caught up in a roadblock.
Fill in Your Schedule with Thought – As you look at your plans, goals, and objectives now, you need to translate it into a chronological schedule that helps you break down tasks into small chunks. Schedule everything realistically. For example, if you need to go to the doctor's at 10am, it’s unlikely it’s really going to take only an hour. Plan for it and take some gap-filling activities for you to do while waiting.
Check Your Schedule Before Saying Yes – Whenever someone comes to you with new things to add to your schedule, don’t say yes automatically. First, tell them you’ll check your calendar. Then check your schedule but also check your mind to find out if you really want to do it or not. Only say yes if you can fit it in even if you think you want to do it.
Batch Like Tasks Together – When you check out your task-list for the week, determine if you can schedule some tasks together. For example, if you have a doctor's appointment and you need to grocery shop too, why not do those together. That way, since you cannot control the doctor’s schedule, you can make up the time on the back end by ordering groceries and picking them up.
Delegate and Outsource – When you look at your task list, note the things that someone else can do. Turn those tasks over to the other people who can do them. If you want to pay someone to do things, that’s also an option. Just find someone else who is good at the job and let them do it.
Start Your Week with A Full Tank of Gas – One thing that really helps you avoid time wasters is to anticipate them. Instead of waiting for your vehicle to get empty to fill it up, get gas Sunday so that you can have a full take of gas to start your week. If you have other issues like that, such as you, need money on your business card or personal card, and so forth, take care of it before the week.
Take Care of You – In order to be productive, you need to eat right, stay hydrated, get enough sleep. When you are healthy spiritually, mentally and emotionally, it’s a lot easier to get more done without stress.
Acknowledgment God and ask Him to go before you to direct your path and bless your week.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Getting more done this week simply means that you need to create a plan that you can follow and flow in. It’s so much easier getting more done when you know how you are going to do it.