Go Now!
How many times has God given us an assignment and we questioned the call? We questioned it based on who we are and on our own limited abilities. This was seen in the rescue of the Isralites. God handpicked Moses as the leader of this operation. However, Moses' first response was “nope not me!!! You picked the wrong man, I am not qualified.” Exodus 3:11 ~ Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt? Exodus 4:10 ~ Then Moses said to the Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to your servant , but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.
Moses had a lot of excuses but God would always come back with an answer that would provide him with the resources that he needed. What was a speech impediment for God? Absolutely nothing, He made his mouth. God already knew his physical human limitations. But God promised Moses that He would be with him and that He would teach him what to say. God even equipped Moses with the staff to perform signs and wonders in case the Israelite and Egyptians did not believe that he was sent by God. But Moses still kept making excuses. God got frustrated and angry with him. He basically told Moses “Okay, let your brother Aaron speak for you!! I will be your mouth and his. Not only that, but I have even fixed it for you to easily return to Egypt. The men that were seeking your life are now dead. I have equipped you with everything you need for this assignment. I have heard the cry of my people , my son (Israel). My people need to be delivered, you are the chosen one. NOW THEREFORE GO!!!!”
God was letting Moses know, look, you have to let go of the fear. I promised to be there with you, and I will . You must trust me to teach you what you need to say and what you need to do in every situation of this deliverance process for my people. NOW GO!!! What are some of the reasons why you have not moved in carrying out your God given assignment?
Have you spared not ( meaning held back) because of how you see yourself?
Is it fear that no one will listen to your message and receive what God has given you?
Is it because of fear or rejection?
Is it because of physical incapabilities?
Is it because you have compared yourself to others?
Is it because you feel like you are not in the right classification?
Is it because you feel like you cannot handle it (bit too much)?
Is it because of constant procrastination?
Whatever your reason may be, just remember God already knew all about you and your capabilities before He gave you the assignment. If He asks you to do it, then we must believe He will equip and empower us to carry it out in its fullness. Not only that but He has marked out the path for us to take every step of the way to victory. If we desire to continue to flourish we cannot keep making excuses!!! We must accept the call, trust God, and GO NOW. No more excuses. Let’s all flourish together!!