Feed Your Soul Amidst Your Busy Schedule

Greeting Flourishing Moms!

I was sitting here thinking about how crucial it is as busy working moms to be more intentional about feeding our souls. In order for us to be empowered, renewed, strengthened, and refreshed on this balanced journey we must eat from the word of God daily. The same way we feed  our natural man daily, we must feed our spirit man. Food is a necessity so is the word of God. Everything we need for life is in the word. We need the word to be hidden in our heart. We need the word to fight the enemy with. We need to speak the word over our life and over our children. The word of God is active and living. Hebrews 4:12. He watches over His WORD  to perform it. Jeremiah 1:12.

I just want to share 3 quick ways that will help you find spiritual nourishment amidst your hectic schedule:

1. Making The Most of Your Commute Time

As a busy mom, you most  likely spend a significant amount of time commuting to work, school, or running errands. Instead of filling this time with thinking about other activities and task you have to do, use it to feed your soul with the Word of God. One easy way to do this is by listening to audio Bible apps or podcasts that focus on biblical teachings. You can find a wide variety of options online, and it allows you to engage with Scripture even when you're on the go.

2. Revolves Around Mealtime

As moms, we often find ourselves rushing through meals or multitasking while eating. However, mealtimes can be an opportunity to slow down and connect with God. Consider incorporating a brief prayer before your meal, expressing gratitude for the nourishment you're about to receive. You can also use this time to share a verse or devotional thought with your family, creating a moment of reflection and spiritual growth amidst the busyness.

3. Bedtime Rituals

As mothers, we understand the importance of bedtime routines for our children, but let's not forget the importance of winding down and finding spiritual solace ourselves. Dedicate 15-30 minutes before sleep to meditate on Scripture, pray, or read a devotional. By intentionally focusing on God's Word, you can find peace and nourishment for your soul, even in the midst of exhaustion.

Think about how you can incorporate and practice these  tips in your daily activities. God knows and sees the seasons each of us are in with parenting. Let’s continue to ask Him for  wisdom, grace, and creativity  on how to spend time in His word.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of motherhood and for the strength you provide us each day. We ask for your guidance in our busy lives, that we may find ways to feed our souls with your Word. Help us to make the most of our time and embrace these ideas to connect with you more deeply. We pray for wisdom, patience, and a heart that seeks you above all else.
In Jesus' name, amen.


Be Blessed & Balanced
Let’s Flourish Together
Felicia Baugh


Perfect for feeding your soul in 15 minutes
Finding Harmony In Your Busy Life
30 Day Devotional For Busy Moms
Click image to get your copy.

Finding Harmony In Your Busy Life 30 Day Devotional For Busy Moms