Activate The Power of Praise

Did you know that praise is powerful? Did you know it is our spiritual weapon to defeat the schemes of the enemy? Praise will cause the enemy to flee, block his attacks, and push back darkness. When we praise God we are preoccupied with who God is!! Our focus is on the awesomeness of who He is and how He has manifested His power and glory in our life. In times of battle God would send instructions for the praisers to lead.
Paul and Silas were in prison and they were praying and praising God in the midnight hour in the midst of their trouble. They were bound to chains.You may ask how could they praise God in the situation they were in? They probably were sure God had not forgotten about them and knew that He had a plan. The fruit of the spirit (Joy) was active in their life. You must have the joy of the Lord well down deep in your soul to praise Him in the middle of your troubles!!! Your situation has not changed yet, but praises are still going forth from your lips.

When the praises go up blessings come down. God inhabits the praises of His people. Psalms 22:3 He comes and sits down right in the middle of them. Things happen when praises are going forth. The mind blowing thing was when the chains were loosed they did not try to escape. God had a plan to save the jailer and his entire family.
God knows how to shake things up, cause doors to open, and lose the chains that's been keeping you bound when we render prayer and praise unto Him. Things cannot remain the same when He comes on the scene.

I know we all have had some midnight hours. We have all been bound and chained by many things in life. But the good news is we have a weapon we can use that will free us and cause us to walk in victory. The only thing we need to do is activate it. God will do the rest!!!!
Have a Blessed & Balanced Day!
Flourishing With Purpose