What makes me want to seek the Lord?
What makes me want to seek the Lord? Apart from the promise that those who seek the Lord will not lack anything good (Psalm 34:10), there are several other advantages to obeying God's command to seek Him (Hosea 10:12).
Seeking the Lord, like fearing the Lord, is beneficial to us; however, unlike fearing the Lord, we should not seek the Lord solely for the benefits. Knowing the advantages can help us stay motivated, focused, and know when we're on the right track.
Children enjoy the game of hide and seek, in which all but one player hides with the goal of being the last one found. But would it really matter if one person didn't look for the others? Consider us "it," searching for God's Kingdom with everything we have, looking in every nook and cranny until we find Him.
"Seek first" is defined as looking for, aiming for, or striving for something. It also means to seek out, or pursue.
In those anxiety-ridden situations in which we frequently find ourselves, God remains available and ready for us to find, look for, and worship Him. Do we rush to worship, searching for God in the same way we quickly prey to worry? To seek God's kingdom, we must make a conscious decision to turn toward God rather than worry or anxiety.
• "Put God first in everything you do, and He will guide you and reward your efforts." LIVING (Proverbs 3:6)
• "I will teach you (says the Lord) and lead you down the best path for your life; I will counsel you and keep an eye on your progress." LIVING (Psalm 32:8)
#2 THE LORD PROVIDES when you put Him first.
"For the Lord's eyes move back and forth throughout the earth, so that He may strengthen those whose hearts are completely His." 2 Chronicles 16:9a NASB
• "The Lord's angel encamps around those who fear him, delivering them." (NIV) Psalm 34:7
• "He'll envelop you in his feathers." With his wings, he will protect you. Your armour and protection are His faithful promises." (NLT) Psalm 91:4
• "God is looking after me in the kingdom of heaven, keeping me safe." Praise be to him, praise be to him forever! Oh, yes!" (2 Tim. 4:18 MSG)

"Casting all of your care [all of your anxieties, worries, and concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He loves you and watches over you." (AMP) (1 Peter 5:7)
#5 THE LORD HELPES when you put Him first.
"So do not be afraid; do not be discouraged; for I am your God." I will strengthen and assist you; with my righteous right hand, I will uphold you." (NIV) Isaiah 41:10
God's power can handle any problem. Don't undervalue your Heavenly Father's abilities and power.
"Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (NASB Hebrews 4:16) What a picture of God's omnipotence and boundless love for His people! With your willing choice to seek Him, the needed supply is released. Your obstinate refusal denies you access to the very resource you require.
Don't put it off; prioritize the Lord.
Reflection Question:
1. Do you seek God always?
2. What is your motivation in seeking the Lord? Is it because you fear Him alone? or to know His ways and to ask for His guidance in your life?
3. What do you do to "seek" God?
4. Where do you focus your attention more, on worrying and having anxiety or deciding to turn toward God?
5. What or who do you prioritize?
6. Did you know that there are a lot of benefits when we put God first in our lives?
7. What other things/benefit can you think of when you prioritize God and seek Him first?