The Power of Prayer and Fasting
The biblical practice of prayer and fasting has tremendous power. Jesus told a parable about how it can assist us in achieving the spiritual breakthrough we've been looking for.
The disciples were unable to cast a demon out of a boy, according to Mark 9:14-29. When Jesus arrived, He cast out the spirit, freeing and healing the boy. His disciples were perplexed as to why they could perform some miracles but not this one: "And when He entered the house, His disciples privately asked Him, "Why couldn't we cast it out?" "Nothing but prayer and fasting can bring this kind out," He told them.
God does not require anything from us in order to move in the world—God is capable of doing anything. But, God chooses to invite us to join Him in prayer and fasting. And when we do, He intervenes on our behalf, strengthens our faith, and moves in miraculous ways !!!!!

When you're overwhelmed by the world's problems, pray and fast.
When the greatness of the problems in the world overwhelms you and when you see the brokenness of the world around you, let the urgency lead you to a desperation for God to move. Let it lead you to seek Him in an even greater way.
Pray and fast when you are hungry for more of God.
The amazing thing about the gospel is that when you receive Jesus, you will be satisfied like you've never been satisfied before, but you will always be hungry for more of God.
"Everything is a loss to me because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord," Paul said (Phil. 3:8). Every day, he yearned to learn more about God. When we are so hungry for God, we will fast if it means we can spend more time with Him.
That experience has a way of opening our hearts to receiving more of God's presence in our lives. It's possible that it won't happen in the middle of the fast but the results will manifest. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.
But either during or after fasting—even in the months or years following a time of fasting, we will see the strong results of seeking more of God.

When you need a breakthrough, pray and fast
Fasting gets you to the door of breakthrough. When we are enduring personal trials, and hardships we should set aside time for prayer and fasting. We will witness God’s power in so many ways!!!!
There is something about this discipline that breaks strongholds over the things we have been praying for. God moves in an even greater way.
Pray and fast when you sense God is preparing you for something new.
When God is about to move in a bigger way in your life, He will give you a stronger desire to pray and fast.
To do so, we need God's special grace. God wants obedience from us, not sacrifice, according to the Bible. He is looking for us to be obedient and faithful to what He is stirring in us to do!!

Reflection Question:
1. Have you ever witnessed the power of prayer and fasting in your life?
2. What are the spiritual changes you feel while fasting and praying?
3. Do you experience the power of God during fasting?