Quiet Confidence in God
Proverbs 14: 26
In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
And His children will have a place of refuge.
What comes to mind when you think of the words quiet (strong) confidence?
When you think of the word strong you think of something being powerful. You think of strength. You think of something being able to sustain this great force or pressure. When you think of something strong, you think of it being secure. When you have confidence in someone you got trust in them, right? When you have confidence in someone you believe in them. We have great faith in them.
So when you fear the Lord, and have strong confidence in Him. You feel you can trust and believe in Him. When our faith is deeply rooted in Him we can be confident no matter what. Standing firm on the promises, His faithfulness, and mighty power and ability!!!

The verse also says His children will have a place of refuge. When the rain comes we can take cover, we have a place of refuge. And when you think about the word refuge, you think about a place of shelter. We all need a place of shelter to run to. When you think about the word refuge, you immediately think about safety, protection, cover, a place of rest from the storm. When I think about refuge, it made me think about the wings of a mother bird. She takes them to cover her babies, protect, shield, and keep them safe.
Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
When we need a place of shelter, rest, we need to come out from the storm, we can find shelter underneath the wings of God.
Psalm 57:1
Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me,
for in You I take refuge.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings
until the disaster has passed.
We can take shelter; find cover underneath the shadow of God’s wings until we have gotten through our hardship, tough trial, temptations that are coming up against us, through the hurt and pain that we might be going through.
Psalm 91:1
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
We learn to operate in this strong and quiet confidence from learning how to abide in Him. Regardless of the trials, circumstances, and the situations, we must keep our eyes on God.
You may need to come out from the heavy rain, and out of the storm. You may be in need of shelter, a place of rest for your soul, a place where you can just get renewed, that place is in God. It’s being in His mighty presence that brings that quiet confidence.
It cuts down on fear, anxiety and worry. Because we are trusting and believing in His ability and not ours. Knowing that all things are possible with God.
Thank God that we have a place to take cover until we have gotten through our hardship, trials, tribulations, circumstances, and situations that we're dealing with, whatever it may be, we have a place to take refuge. We have a place of safety until calamities has passed us by.
Another benefit of having this quiet confidence is that we learn how to wait on God. And we know even though it may take a while that in His timing we trust that He's going to be right on time. Rejoicing and giving thanks and praise even before the battle is over because we have that quiet confidence in Him.
So I encourage you to start your day by taking comfort in knowing that you have a place of refuge in God,
Walk in your quiet confidence.
Points / reflections:
Being strong and confident in the Lord.
Reflection Question:
- Do you need to rest from the chaos of this world and or personal circumstances?
- Where do you find complete rest?
- Do you trust God that He can take good care of you?
Do you completely trust Him to work all things out for your good?
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being my refuge. I don’t know anywhere else that I can find shelter and peace in times of trouble but in You alone. Thank You Father, that I can trust in You that You will take good care of me. I pray to You Lord that I will not go astray from You in times of trouble but yet draw closer to you!! Help me to only focus on You and stay in Your presence regardless of what I am going through, in my trials, or any situations. I thank You that my confidence can be SAFE, SECURE, and STRONG in You.
In Jesus’ name.