Armor of God
Let’s talk about the Armor today!!!
What exactly is the Armor of God?
Six elements of God's armour are listed in Ephesians 6:14-17:
1. The belt of truth
2. The breastplate of righteousness
3. The gospel of peace's shoes
4. The shield of faith
5. The helmet of salvation
6. The Sword of the Spirit
These six parts of the Christian life, as well as prayer (verse 18), are provided by God to empower, strengthen, and protect us, as well as to help us succeed in our spiritual struggles. Each component is necessary, and the Bible instructs us on how to put them on and use them properly.
How to utilize God's armour to defend yourself from Satan's attacks is crucial to being a soldier.

According to the Bible, we are engaged in a battle, and our adversary, Satan the devil, is hell-bent on destroying us. Paul advises us to be on the lookout for Satan's schemes and techniques (2 Corinthians 2:11).
In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul talks about putting on the full armour of God. Paul's letter to the Ephesians was composed while he was imprisoned. During Paul's time in jail, he must have become familiar with the armour worn and carried by his Roman captors. Paul made a compelling analogy between a soldier's armour and God's spiritual armour, following Isaiah's pattern (Isaiah 59:17).
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might," Paul wrote (verse 10).
We don't have to be disheartened by Satan's devices, his might, or his deception. We're not fighting this battle by ourselves. We have access to the most powerful spiritual weapons needed!
"Put on the entire armour of God, so you may be prepared to stand against the wiles of the devil," verse 11 adds.
This is a comprehensive defence system, and we must pay close attention to every aspect of God's armour. We shall be able to endure Satan's onslaught if we do so.
1. What is the truth belt?
The first item of equipment we put on was a belt, which secures all of our other armour parts. Because the soldier would only loosen his belt when he got off duty, wearing the belt signified that he was ready for action.
Like a belt, truth should encircle us. The only way to defeat Satan's lies and deception is to know God's truth. And, like our Creator, we must be entirely honest in our inner being to be truly prepared for the war.
2. What is the righteousness breastplate?
We leave ourselves vulnerable to Satan's attacks if we do not walk in righteousness. To be righteous, we must first repent of our faults and be forgiven, and then do what is right in God's view. God's commands are righteousness, according to Psalm 119:172. To be virtuous, one must follow God's laws of love.
3. What do the gospel of peace's shoes look like?
Shoes may not be the most thrilling piece of armour, but they are vital, according to the Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary:
"Alexander the Great's and Julius Caesar's military victories were largely due to their armies being well-shod, allowing them to march for enormous distances at incredible speeds through difficult terrain." These shoes also gives us peace in mist of the battle. The enemy comes to steal our peace. But God gives us peace that surpasses all understanding guarding our hearts and minds.

4. What is the faith shield?
It is hard for Satan to break through our shield and land a blow when our faith in God's strength and love is strong. Of fact, faith entails more than simply believing in God's existence. It contains the conviction that everything God does is for our benefit. Furthermore, faith is the unwavering belief that God will always fulfil His promises (Romans 4:18-21).
5. What is the salvation helmet?
Focusing on the amazing sacrifice Jesus Christ made to rescue us, as well as the magnificent Kingdom that is the purpose of our salvation, can give us tremendous hope and consolation. This hope shields our minds from the world's discouragement and despair.
6. What is the Spirit's sword?
The sword of the Spirit, like the Roman gladius, may aid us in defeating all of our foes, especially the most difficult, our deep-seated human flaws. "For the word of God is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart," according to Hebrews 4:12.
Reflection Question:
1. What comes in your mind when you think of God's armour?
2. Have you use God's armour in your daily living?
3. How do you utilize God's armour to defend yourself from Satan's attacks?
4. Do you see yourself as a soldier in God’s army?
God we thank You for providing us with spiritual protection and weapons. We can defend ourselves against discouragement, defeat , fear, feelings of hopelessness and doubt by putting on our spiritual armor! We thank you for equipping us to overcome. We thank you because we can rest assured and be confident in your love for us. We will use our weapons to become stronger and more alert soldiers in this battle.
"Put on" the Armor of God with this prayer based on Paul's exhortation in Ephesians 6:10–18, as we struggle "not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms," utilizing God's Word, the sword of the Spirit.
In Jesus Name,